Some people don’t think there are things to know that they dont know. In spite of their baseless assumption of a platinum pedigree of intellectual superiority they forgot ‘experts’ and ‘misinformation”’ were the hallmarks of creeping totalitarianism.
They can’t put two and two together because of thinking their white ass is safe.
That’s arrogance my friend. That’s how we got here.
And well- as the great minor attracted freak Michael Jackson once said guess you’ll have to start with the-uh- sheep? in the mirror.
What we- the fucking rebels ok? fuck off- have seen and felt in the last four years is the very definition of crazy-making- yet- in the final analysis- it will be them I think who goes mental when they see it.
Soon I think. Might be while they’re picking up the Globe and Mail, Tony Soprano style and boom Like the eye doctor shifting lenses you will see it.
One reason you haven’t -Pot, is because possibly you are, Pot, what you call the Kettle- ignorant, racist and against your own people.? You will see- maybe. It’s popping off like firecrackers. You may have no choice.. You would be lucky to see it
When I say “I saw this coming in Grade 10 on acid”- that’s what I mean .
Digitization of all of us. The progression to the extinction.
In late 2023 as I drove my voiceless assistant home ( so many lost their voice in the lockdown shutdown slam fest- she really did lose hers-)I said:
”in 2019 I felt like I had my legs out straight in front of me-resisting- like a cow being pulled across the muddy barnyard. I had great resistance and was in no hurry to go forward in time.”
As i told her about this i pulled up my phone and said “Look- I’ve written 1690 notes since 2018-” i spun the notes on my phone then and said
”I could stop anywhere and there’s rant after rant about what I was thinking as this shit show unfurled. not just the unfurling but the hex itself. my freaked out dictations from hundreds of occasions. Notes on the great hex the cult the mass hypnosis. and the most painful - the loss of loved ones, the nonsensical bold faced criminality the aggression this direction has brought us to- what ignoring the precious feminine has wrought in this world-yeah that but uhhh!! its the ignorance of those -as i said half jokingly-” people formerly known as smart” not seeing it. Out of clinging. Out of attachment. The elements of the quicksand of Samsara- this is what has been consistently and gas-lighting-ly devastating.
To have them think WHAT THEY WERE TOLD TO THINK ! About everything! Their judgement so cock eyed and inherently classist .
AND THE NOTES I WAS SPINNING STOPPED ON A NOTE FROM APRIL 2020 SAYING EXACTLY THAT! “I’ve been feeling since 2019 that I have my legs stuck straight out in front of me trying to stop time!!”
Makes sense I would feel like that. The pain of seeing loved ones miss the whole backstory and eat up the narrative thinking we are nuts and worse--to have the campaign be so thoroughly evil as to try to capture us and our loved ones and take shots at them -ruining lives with abandon under the guise -same as Hitler and dem- of “health and safety”. Bit hellish ; Yeah. the lives and livings lost.
Look. When you do wake up or what ever it is- just know that we are flawed but used to this. Call Us.
I hope you will. We need you to ask why are we not allowed to discuss. You must be bored with simply not fucking with the poison system that keeps you down.
Denying death and suddenly being told it was everywhere and we were carrying it everywhere. Eyeball. Until then apparently most people thought they were guaranteed no death.
Kookoo.( oh oh -is Kuckoo derogatory these days?)
Any how point is i did. I saw it. and in 2020 freaked and very sad to see it arrive way worse and so militarily planned as too be chilling shocking and mind numbing,
I went my own way in Grade 10 depressed first for a week just staring pretty fucked up into space after merging from the ‘seemed like ten hour trip must have been there of four’- Alice Cooper was playing at the Thomson student centre that night and i have come to learn that what i did was probably mescaline dealt by my future friend Brian Odea.!! Mother fucker… I had previously done much less. A Quarter -max half-hit of acid. This was sudden. quick “ here come the 70’s” style full on total hallucinations A terrifying microcosm of a fucked Escher drawing devoid of depth and life. 2- D.!
I knew immediately and chillingly it was something guys would fuck with and we were either in this flat world in some sense or would or could lose the beautiful world of depth and meaning was madly in love with in favour of this big nuthin. Someone finally gave me valium that night and i came out and talked about it for six hours.I went quiet then for a week shaken and mind fucked. i came out of the funk finally on my 16th birthday -saved by the (as it turned out) philosophy of the Bodhisattva (which I would one day take a vow of) that is-that we are all in the same boat -its tough and we are fucked-but instead of offing oneself- the greatest thing is that we can do is do what we can for others on this sinking ship while we are in the realm so to speak of the thing that wants us dead-( or at best doesn’t care if we are) It got me through. But I cemented my lack of trust of -and interest in- any of the trappings of their fucking version of things.
The countdown began and i chose the full on rasta hippie herbalist rebel route plunged into learning by a less than healthy body that didn’t just snap into place when i eliminated a lot of things from my diet- in themnidst of glowing tripping health nuts I came face to face congested lungs ,bloated tummy and all with my internalized anxiety and layers of toxins. asthma .very bad digestion. UTI’s crazy brain. A visiting iridologist said i had the most toxic eyes in the room. I started to figure out how to start peeling back the layers. i feel like we learned how to survive in the 21st century in the early seventies and then we got 40 wonderful years off while the A-holes who only love money out-dicked each other, making every decision - no matter how murderous or materialistic- for money alone while the world and its people were rolled up to sniff coke thru.
I knew they would fuck with our ability to exist in three D and I knew being in 2 was a horrifying full on hallucination of hell.
can i see your boarding pass. again .Again . and one more time
just gonna swab the inside of hour brain.
Your arrive can app. Your vaccine chip. Your phone?
Oh there are things to know that those you look down on are aware of.
Resistance .
No surrender
The digitization waters are rising.
Wake up and smell the hideous perfume of these mad men and thugs.
Insist on sovereignty.
Body autonomy
oh and get the pat down. Its the only free human touch on a burning planet.